Tommaso MINERVAUniversity of Modena and Reggio Emilia President of Italian e-Learning Association (SIe-L) - President of the Local Committee of EMEMITALIA2016
Gabriella DODEROUniversity of Bolzano Vice President of Rete Universitaria Italiana per l'Apprendimento Permanente (RUIAP)
Carlo GIOVANNELLAUniversity of Roma Tor Vergata President of Association for Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development (ASLERD)
Beatrice LIGORIOUniversity of Bari Member of Executive Committee of Collaborative Knowledge Building Group (CKBG)
Giuliano VIVANETUniversity of Cagliari Secretary of Società per l’Apprendimento e l’Istruzione informati da Evidenza (SApIE)